Friday, May 28, 2010

Chocolate Rugby Union Balls


Every Saturday come

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Davinci Prostectomy,best Practices

ay sory, I got angry

"How lonely life takes you, not jodamos" W ruled in the passenger seat and had to accept my fate, that of mind that wants to be alone and always end up with a hundred feet of a ravenous blind to evangelize

" I come to teach you to be a good girlfriend that you stay calm and serene until ready to open your legs, whore and virgin when I pretend to hurt you and I pretend to stop.
I come to teach you to understand the other, to be one and one together that be forget you.
I come to teach you to be a good girlfriend to explain it all or leave you because you're going to be so alone.'re unbearable pety, sos un horror, te odio y como me gusta odiarte acá me quedo con vos
Hubo una época en que nadie me dejaba, yo tomaba más agua y tenia las tetas paradas.

Que me está costando mucho, mucho, ese amor por la otredad. Ahora mi novio puede categorizarme en una despectiva cualidad 2.0:

"Sos una pendeja boluda, una flogger una blogger, no entendés la diferencia entre ficción o realidad o dónde está la privacidad"

La privacidad? de la concha para adentro hijo de puta, nada más.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How To Get Suction Cup Hooks To Stick

qué estabas haciendo el 12 de agosto del 2007?
estaba cortando en pedacitos al moishe de mi vida, para luego disecarlo y ponerlo en un vial, forever close to my heart ...

bid, I confessed all.

W is a great friend, especially when he does get to confession as confesatoria, and then it loses that solemn gravity that prevents a natural story, a narrative relaxed. With W it is simply pesadisllesco daily adventure. W

always welcomes you into his pajamas, or something even has its semi pajamas sexy clothes, or a halo piyamesco flutters her eye, and then even stomp on the knee boots, forget it, that woman is in the sauce, this woman does not care, that woman is in pajamas.
And I used something, you butt and encourages the statement "Stop fooling around, smoke a fag "or" instead of doing that smoke a fag "and while talking about something else, you strip:

boluda Ah, double tachame!

has eaten two men and has not gone farther, that is the virtue of my W. The story falters in enjoyment and pleasure, but glows and brash humor.
Weeks later confesses that after the bar they all went to his house, which took all night and when it ended was kind of accompany the Inspector Gadget to San Juan and Solis to buy more, at 11 am did not seem at all unreasonable. That was sweet Inspector Gadget, which left a tender letter: "Do not worry, do not be evil, do not mates "because W had admitted on a whim recurrent suicidal. He insisted on the divinity of this man that left him spirits through the archaic system of letters ... The message concluded "Everything will be fine tomorrow ... and give you back the $ 100"

I confess I do not know if I write or I was lucky to have wonderful friends transcribe them.