Now, the other day my sister tells me something like "Hey, Leonardo DiCaprio characters always makes end badly" and Simos pu us to think how many films with he have such happy endings ... eh ... eh ... eh ... to yes, Catch Me If You Can , which after hot pursuit gone for two hours now s (in the film, various years), ends up working for those who captured . Well, I make it sound worse than it is, but the point is that if the movie where your character ends up better is one in which it was sent to prison (or at least not for life), or murdered, n i frozen in the ocean, we can notice a trend ...
Let's talk about the most famous (ie, q ue h e vist o), starting with the oldest. Needless to say, there are spoilers involved in this post, although by now is not surprising that a personal Naje this actor just as dead as the parents of hero in a film d and Disney:
A film of the far-western oe ste- which d love and the protagonist, a cowgirl, looking for revenge.
much happening I do not remember well because had the di ez years (which is no excuse for not investigating, but well) and the final will egan p shot and dies.
Romeo + Juliet (1996): Well
say Rom eo dies in the end is an ending as surprising pre sive as the Titanic sinks (p er or we will discuss later.) The enviro ntación is modern but left the original dialogues of Shakespeare (which some people thought it was great and other estupidísimo) and like all Romeo DiCaprio had to die at the end.
[Please imagine My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion on the bottom or click here ] If we knew the previous film his tombstone he was man aa Dad do this time, almost expecting to be saved.
The first time I saw her and cried n é because I was seeing with my amigui cough in school (the teacher ahead all interesting scenes) and the second time I got to see her in a executive utobús Puerto Ordaz-Caracas. But then, some of the dozens of times have pass over or on television, I was a little tear when Ros and Jack slid his board at sea and away if a surfer a surfer a ball of algae.
So far so shot a poisoned treatment and hyperthermia-drowning. And, incidentally has always had something to do the couple's romantic turn ... But not all love and kisses Leo o p sad because three musketeers can also sabotage the party.
There was a time a King who was the evil twin a young prisoner which remained in a cell with an iron mask carrying a horrible life. One day the three musketeers, and retired, decided to make an exchange ;
in the kingdom would cu enta, not even the royal advisor , the Doctor House, who is usually very suspicious.
In the end, Leo had a dreadful life that ended well, but we had been king, prison ended with the mask. course, after three previous finals do not sound too bad, but nobody would be in place.
In 1 846, in New York that would make anyone want to move to Caracas s, Leo plays Amsterdam, the son of a man who was killed by the current gang leader of the city. Seeking revenge, as an adult, Amsterdam joins a gang of type, and after that his plan is discovered and the mad riots in the city, fighting in a duel Bill (the guy) who is hit by a fatal bullet. In a way, Leo ends well, though the bullet robbed of the credit for revenge (90%, I would say).
Leo Leo, between this and Catch Me If You Can, the same year, I'm beginning to think you can have a happy ending real soon ...
not: it has the support of many people. The bad: The paranoia and OCD. The ugly: The scene of closure and milk bottles full of pee. In an overall assessment, I would say it's a bittersweet ending.
Hey, things seem n be better for Leo ... I'm
Billy Leo, Young undercover cop in the mafia in southern d and Boston, while Colin, a jo see undercover mobster in the police, has also a double life. Both sides
s realize that there a spy among them and both Billy and Colin must discover the identity of another to rse saves.
As in Romeo + Juliet, Billy dies (they hit or throw n) and soon after coming to an counterpart, although for very different reasons .
In this case, L eo is an ex-mercenary from Zimbabwe who USCA b a rare pink diamond in Sierra Leone during civil war times, while another man also same stone also desperately seeking what could go bi and n?
In the end, in the midst of an escape and is shot, but does not die immediately and save the other man looking for a diamond H elping his family, and then dies.
I know that after d and this film, made a call m ada of Lies, which really did not saw, and another called Revolutionry Road nor saw (in no dies already checked).
Well, this n ombrecito ... do not tell "Happy Island" or the modern island erly bearable "so let's see: Leo and s sent to a psychiatric facility research with a partner. We spend a lot of horrible things and finally enta da cu that is not a researcher but a long-time internal marking tar ta je . In the end we see away rse the lighthouse where it is supposed to receive a lobotomy to, but just before leaving, makes a comment that raised doubts about whether that was really "necessary."
This I saw, but I feel that some important points I went for an eye and left me on the other. Basically, I remember and impossibility is diffi cult and people coming in dreams (incl uidA Juno and Mr.
What name would have put me sta e movie? "Wake Them Fast," or by his initials "WTF."
Well ... recap ...
Ten films discussed, Leo ends up dead in the middle and of those five, three is because of u n shot (R apid and Mortal, and The Departed Blood Diamond) and na freeze (Titanic) and other poison (Romeo + Juliet). Of the five in which survives in two is crazy or something (The Aviator, The Dark Island ) in a castle dungeon changes and vice versa (twin and twin stays are switches) as that qualify as a final ying-yang (The re Hombo Iron Mask), and another end spinning a top mystery (Inceptio n).
Leo, if they were dependent on m t, and you would have won your Oscar, please try to make a movie more cheerful when we can appreciate side and on the Internet of yours that became famous with the meme called "Strutting Leo" (the first image is the original photo that started the joke):
Moreover, I propose a little game of drink ... Get a Leonardo DiCaprio movie and every time his character suffers an injury Take a shot (hey, if you're going to see Gangs of New York use something soft like Cream Punch or glass of wine so fast you do not faint).