It happens all the time and probably to you too:
Yo: Hola
Persona X: Hola, ¿Cómo estás?
Yo: Bien ¿y tú?
Persona X: Bien.
*Fin de la conversación*
Persona X: Hola, ¿Cómo estás?
Yo: Bien ¿y tú?
Persona X: Bien.
*Fin de la conversación*
Oye... no es que yo
qui era escuchar un inventario detallado de tus emocionantes aventuras del último mes, pero "bi en" no me dice gran cosa de cóm o es tás.
Similarly, you do not think that is very informative to hear that I'm "good" or "cool" or "completely fine."
However, people do not really expect answer, lately, "How are you?" What is one thing and stick of "Hello" but is said by saying it, like when you meet a guy who has not seen time and asks you
Of course, not all" How are you? "Are As is ...
The Road: In this case, people are walking in opposite directions and are (perhaps in the street, or in the hallway of a shopping center), but they are to walk and greet.
is understandable that not stop to talk if they hurry, but how are you walked them to exchange more than "Hello" + "epal".
The awkward: People stop yes, maybe even walk in groups, and after dialoguito concerned, nobody will, but nobody says anything.
is uncomfortable because shows that have nothing to say.
The Internet: Whether messenger, chat ook Faceb or any other form of online conversation is a salt udo that ...
a) serves as a preamble for someone who wants ask / request / remember something, but do not want to be as ticket to get there:
saludación So does his routine.
Ojo, if not know when to cut the greeting and stays too long complimentary conversation, there comes a time when the thing gets as rare:
b) He says someone who wanted to talk but it takes so long to say something that you think that was, or wanted decornos something and then greet repented and became the madman.
distracted that he never misses the first question you how you and say, "Well, do you?" and says "Cool, do you?". If both walk on the moon, this can be repeated indefinitely.
Now, do we really want to know in detail c ow is when people ask that question?
Do we want to find out if you get on wisdom teeth should be silver, is very stressful for an article on the global calentamientamiento read this morning, he fell ill a hot dog or feel mortified because it will give time CADIVI make the process?
Person A says: Hi How are you?
Person X says: Well, the truth is that crude back hurts, I think it is because the position. How it all works the day on the computer ... Oh dude, give me something I will give the caterpillar tunnel syndrome, or whatever. Incidentally, this morning I cut the phone and I'm back eight.
Person A says: Here, worried before yesterday robbed the neighbor across the street and you know that these things put a paranoid half also come out of a horrible flu, even thought it was dengue or something six days lying on a bed. Thankfully, at least, that was right now and not in December.
* a raaaato continue talking, exchanging home remedies are wondering if acupuncture can help them, are take a coffee at the weekend and I send greetings to the nearest tree *
Perhaps the above dialogue may seem
unbearable at first, but unless I get the impression that these two imaginary people invented for example, truly care about each other. In fact, until a time that was the normal course of a conversation in which people asked each other (well, maybe not so infirm, but how estásyou get the idea.)
I usually try to take the issue at an intermediate point, I do not have to say "well" so to speak-especially when one is "wrong" -. I think three or four words that give a general idea of \u200b\u200bhow it is one is the best:
Person A says: Hi How are you?
Person X says: Cool, returning from the cinema. There
there, too much work. Normal
, waiting for person B.
Etc. .. In
Finally, it is important to ask if we care nothing, if only a little, whether we say "good" or give us a mini lecture on the weekend.
And I wonder how I am, lol, it's my birthday:)
Similarly, you do not think that is very informative to hear that I'm "good" or "cool" or "completely fine."
However, people do not really expect answer, lately, "How are you?" What is one thing and stick of "Hello" but is said by saying it, like when you meet a guy who has not seen time and asks you
Uncle: And in which half is which are you?
You: Seven.
Uncle: Coye it, you're almost ready.
(if you say a number of fifth back, you say " coye OK, now what you need).
You: Seven.
Uncle: Coye it, you're almost ready.
(if you say a number of fifth back, you say " coye OK, now what you need).
Of course, not all" How are you? "Are As is ...
is understandable that not stop to talk if they hurry, but how are you walked them to exchange more than "Hello" + "epal".
The awkward: People stop yes, maybe even walk in groups, and after dialoguito concerned, nobody will, but nobody says anything.
is uncomfortable because shows that have nothing to say.
Person A: Hello
Person B: Hey, how are you?
Person A: Well what about you?
Person X: Well, okay.
Person A: Eh ... that cool.
Person X: Hey ... good bye * kisses on the cheeks false *.
Person B: Hey, how are you?
Person A: Well what about you?
Person X: Well, okay.
Person A: Eh ... that cool.
Person X: Hey ... good bye * kisses on the cheeks false *.
The Internet: Whether messenger, chat ook Faceb or any other form of online conversation is a salt udo that ...
a) serves as a preamble for someone who wants ask / request / remember something, but do not want to be as ticket to get there:
Person A says: Hey, look at the question: Is the part is tomorrow?
Person B says: No, Tuesday.
Person B says: No, Tuesday.
saludación So does his routine.
Ojo, if not know when to cut the greeting and stays too long complimentary conversation, there comes a time when the thing gets as rare:
Person A says: Hi How are you?
Person X says: Well, it do you?.
Person A says: Chévere What about family?
Person X says, at home, as usual.
Person A says: "And you tell me?
Person X says, "Well, nothing, trabajandito / studying / nothing new.
Person A says: Hey, Are you going to do something at Christmas?
Person X says: I dunno ...
Person A says: What else have you done?
Person X says: And this when questioned again?
* * End of conversation
Person X says: Well, it do you?.
Person A says: Chévere What about family?
Person X says, at home, as usual.
Person A says: "And you tell me?
Person X says, "Well, nothing, trabajandito / studying / nothing new.
Person A says: Hey, Are you going to do something at Christmas?
Person X says: I dunno ...
Person A says: What else have you done?
Person X says: And this when questioned again?
* * End of conversation
b) He says someone who wanted to talk but it takes so long to say something that you think that was, or wanted decornos something and then greet repented and became the madman.
distracted that he never misses the first question you how you and say, "Well, do you?" and says "Cool, do you?". If both walk on the moon, this can be repeated indefinitely.
Do we want to find out if you get on wisdom teeth should be silver, is very stressful for an article on the global calentamientamiento read this morning, he fell ill a hot dog or feel mortified because it will give time CADIVI make the process?
Person A says: Hi How are you?
Person X says: Well, the truth is that crude back hurts, I think it is because the position. How it all works the day on the computer ... Oh dude, give me something I will give the caterpillar tunnel syndrome, or whatever. Incidentally, this morning I cut the phone and I'm back eight.
Person A says: Here, worried before yesterday robbed the neighbor across the street and you know that these things put a paranoid half also come out of a horrible flu, even thought it was dengue or something six days lying on a bed. Thankfully, at least, that was right now and not in December.
* a raaaato continue talking, exchanging home remedies are wondering if acupuncture can help them, are take a coffee at the weekend and I send greetings to the nearest tree *
Perhaps the above dialogue may seem
I usually try to take the issue at an intermediate point, I do not have to say "well" so to speak-especially when one is "wrong" -. I think three or four words that give a general idea of \u200b\u200bhow it is one is the best:
Person A says: Hi How are you?
Person X says: Cool, returning from the cinema. There
there, too much work. Normal
, waiting for person B.
Etc. .. In
Finally, it is important to ask if we care nothing, if only a little, whether we say "good" or give us a mini lecture on the weekend.
And I wonder how I am, lol, it's my birthday:)
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