or Databases and comp, nothing happened really happened, or better yet, actually, it was not real. Of the remainder, I assure you it has invented everything, and nothing is left. Look at your cat just does not cover the shit when it goes, like you, just as you bite and scratch from nothing, but if it was sleeping, the inexplicable reaction has not, let me repeat, a procedure explained.
relax, nothing happened really happened, or better yet, actually, it was not real, I know that disappoints, my lord ho how disappointing this is, But from now on is more than clear all was fiction.
"But the tears, your friends, neighbors, your ex ..." I made up everything, "but your boyfriend then your other boyfriend then your other boyfriend ...", it all up to me, that things have happened to me, here imagining what I wanted to be my cute comedy , that these things have happened to me, better you go getting your ideas, your things, your nonsense in a world that runs inside and out falls a day from a dump of reality "was that other ... I was a year with it, another was the one. " Perfect, I wrote everything. And what if all this happened? Come the truisms that the procession passes inside and inside I had a great love, but alone, all alone my soul, I went to my own, and I cry all, so long after, I just happened to my own, I alone I formed this fantasy as a cay in the brain, like a cyst in the ovary, which does not let you move much, if you moves you explodes and you die, and I was still in the invention of a unitary tragedy. What I thought I alone that love nothing more? Yes, you sylveira lone-mother will not serve to keep begging "Plantata, do not be a leaf in the storm" but Mom! things do not happen to me, I make them up, the earthquake going on inside, what happened nothing happened really, but so far, and leave open the mail and he reads and spoil it all, when finally something was actually happening, the real.

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