"Portuguese THAT BITCH IS THE SON OF PORTUGUESE !!...¡¡ ESE ES Son of a bitch!", Thunders the stadium, thousands of voices in unison, thousands of people the vast majority are not violent, nor vandals do not belong to the marginalized sectors of society or uprooted where crime incubates. If you are in a stadium and have paid the high price of an entry in a match of the English First Division football, they provide sources of regular income, structured lives, friendly-occupied homes integrated by families. I am grateful I still have not sufficiently hardened spirit that will not affect me and follow me disturbing violence arising from the threatening cries hurled at a person. I guess that's all part of the circus and not have to give more importance but in the end I think it appears the worst of human nature. The underlying message seems comparable to some of the banners "ultras" forced to withdraw from a grandstand full of children elsewhere.
part of this example because it is what got me thinking and motivated me to write these lines but it is clear that this could apply to thousands of cases, most are related to professional sports. I see virtually no sports broadcasts and more than two years since I've a full football match-up, I saw the semis and finals of the world, you can not fight against mass hysteria. However, it is impossible to escape the echo of the media and stay current. And yes, they perceive the shape of Cristiano Ronaldo like a silly boy and proud, but probably it will become a better athlete. Leaving that aside, I wondered how it must affect you apparently hate so intense and visceral, as shown in a wild and supposedly safe. I wonder why the internal reactions of a man harassed in a harmless sort of function between and ruthless.
Browsing a sports newspaper this summer, the bias provided to some news you scared me. Anyway, rate newspaper, news or article to the products associated with this type of news strikes me as excessive. In a couple of times I read articles written by some evil freaks news about alleged baseless cries of slogans or opinion with clear and clear intention to promote or transfer a state of latent opinion on an issue to fester a question create more controversy and fish in troubled waters or is the same, increasing the number of readers. I know I can sound alarmist, but it seems a dangerous ground. At certain times and specific events, a real minefield, it seems dangerous wildfires spread across sectors of the population increasingly large, ready to cause sparks, aligned and alienated, to me incomprehensible increasingly permeable to these absurd debates capital that suddenly become daily dynamics of a society.
misleading and erratic
The initial course of this text continues to search for the nature of the link between reality and vision that we provide the means. Perhaps that statement is true that truth does not exist and that when make the decision to say something, you're recreating, interpreting the event. You'll never be able to reflect exactly what happened.
The initial course of this text continues to search for the nature of the link between reality and vision that we provide the means. Perhaps that statement is true that truth does not exist and that when make the decision to say something, you're recreating, interpreting the event. You'll never be able to reflect exactly what happened.
not want to write about the stale, exhausted and sometimes even embarrassing sobering protection of big-business media and asleep on the lazy society. The management of the most important issues of social significance, always mediated by the present political and economic interests is patently obvious statement sterile. I prefer to focus on individuals, in those figures blessed or condemned by fame How are they? Does it really something to see the image projected by the public persona with the real person? Probably we would be surprised if we knew face to face with people hiding behind the characters. As appropriate, we make our own. Its public dimension fits us completely and easily to the contour that we have previously designed. We are comfortable and we refuse to accept someone different. Moreover, we believe with the right to judge. The media provide us with an image, in most cases mediated either by promotion or by criticism or complaint, and we interpret according to our wealth of references, nourished by a lifetime of experiences, tastes and preferences, culture or prejudice. Interpret its manifestations, behaviors and events that occur in lives are important or not, in the light of our experiences or simply what we believe. It is difficult to take back and see them through another prism.
is the show that entertains us, we are outraged, we are relieved. Are our screens that we provide the food that we can not live without, our motor fuel. Pay for it, to dance the famous with some real weight in recent times, operetta or cardboard, which lack any intrinsic value, which phenomenon is even more incomprehensible and absurd.
Now that we are exposed, interconnected ... watched? surely, any of us has close and accessible than ever, right after fifteen minutes of fame "Warholian." Recently joined the kind of crazy to the search for his moment of glory for making a stupid, remaining forever immortalized in the collective imagination through nonsense posted on "youtube."
to any of us who use the Internet, we write blogs or show our photos on Facebook, we intend to show or share a projection of our image is probably very different to that received by the reader or receiver. The conception that we internalize as their own does not have to be right, or what we pass is real? Perhaps that reality does not exist and be formed by a mortar or printing purposes, ours and others.
may result from the prying open windows of millions of people, recently emerged a new phenomenon, part of the dizzying world of technological globalization. Sometimes fame jealous of the sample was paradoxically more impersonal communication and wants to get closer to death. This is when one of the famous more restless, try to remove barriers that mark the character and try to be more close to their faithful. Wants to be "current" and decides to show it as it is at all times. As a final edge, use the 140 characters of Twitter to tell us EVERYTHING. Not satisfied with their work groups, want to feel like everyone else and prove that we are different, present their ideas on political issues, tell us if you like a siesta, the disk that is passionate about or complaining lately that does not stop raining.
wetlands. I do not think there's anything interesting or noteworthy in private life and opinions of which has no legitimacy or authority than any of us. It's hard not to see you let down by someone who idolize. Any mistakes and has blind spots. If you put a spotlight and a microphone on your existence, that the slip will will impose more severe punishment, moreover no cancellation possible, the scorn and contempt virtual widespread than they can bear witness to some of our sacred cows. Best quiet.
The mystery or imagination will always be better. I'm old school, most people really revere often quite unique or strange people. Maybe that's why I think it's always easier to tune in to worship or an icon of a poster or a t-shirt. They are pure fantasy. Make them normal people just with the legends, inspiring those characters even though we know that there are, they can become targets to be achieved or inspirational figures.
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