few months ago I read an article about a little book that had become a huge hit in France. It was "Indignaos!" By Stephane Hessel to that already made mention Xocas . In 2011 it published in Spain and I read this weekend in Xerta.
Hessel is a 93 year old who played in the French Resistance fighting the Nazi occupation, was imprisoned in a concentration camp and is the last editor Live Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948.
Basically the book is a call to a company to abandon mediocrity and indifference. Draw a parallel with the time of World War II. Then evil was visible. Identified because they were bad mustache or were friends of the mustache. Now is hidden but it is equally recognizable.
current cuts are questioning advances made by previous generations with great effort in the field of freedom, education or social security. Recognizes achievements of the twentieth century as the end of apartheid, the destruction of the Soviet empire and decolonization. However, the century's scary.
"The power of money has never been so big, brash, egotistical with everyone from their own servants to the highest echelons of the state. Banks privatized care first of their dividends and the soaring salaries of their leaders, but not of general interest. Never been the distance between the poorest and the richest, not even encouraged competitiveness and run for the money. "
Following Sartre considers man as an individual responsibility. Has Hegelian conception of history in the sense that it is formed by successive conflicts, acceptance of successive challenges to finally gain freedom.
The first step is the anger. From there it will compromise.
Moreover report specific cases of flagrant injustice such as Palestine. Since we are, why Israel is allowed to continue and expand the "occupied territories" or crush the Palestinian people without stable and viable solution in sight? Why does not act as an international outcry here in the Libyan case? In such cases, the violence could understand. However, Hessel considers terrorism as the denial of hope. Violence could understand, never tolerate.
The only border are not negotiable human rights within the framework of which would be respect for minorities.
just the book with an appeal, starting with the commemoration of the sixtieth anniversary of National Resistance Council. E n 2004, the veteran stated:
"Nazism was defeated by the sacrifice of our brothers and sisters of the Resistance and the United Nations against fascist barbarism. But this threat has not totally disappeared and our anger regarding the injustice is still intact. "
"No, this threat has not disappeared. Similarly, we appeal yet a real peaceful insurrection against the mass media websites with no other prospects for our youth that mass consumption, contempt for the weak and to the culture, generalized amnesia and competition of all against all. "
Those who make the twenty-first century, we say, with all our affection:
The truth is that the book I found a little thing. In view of its success, I expected something more. I guess I'm used to reading articles of this class and did not find much more interesting. I appreciate the testimony of a person who risked his life fighting for a just cause. You are about to go and is alarmed by the disaffection of a dormant company that follows its own, to try to move forward each time with a little less. I guess for the author, Marshal Petain, hero of the Great War be appeased and negotiated with Hitler in one of the most shameful pages of French history and I imagine hard to take for "Grandeur" , represented the easiest and most comfortable, to avoid the fight. The spirit of modern society is the same as Petain, both have the same face.
In music, one of those involved. I was going to put some Fugazi, but I will save for a post on the "Straight Edge" that happened to me. Instead of Ian MacKaye, put another intellectual, not paint any of this, Henry Rollins , hardcore legend, a mountain of tattooed muscles acojonarÃa you in a dark alley. Would have reason to fear for your integrity, you could put this man's head like a drum, not the hosts but with an inexhaustible torrent of words on the unacceptable state of affairs.
"How violent is hope '
> "Illumination." is a remix, I like the original.
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